Our Mission Never Stops

Our Mission Never Stops

Since last month, we have been visiting hundreds of locally stranded individuals housed in the Villamor Air Base Golf Club, Villamor Air Base Elementary School, and Philippine Army Gym. Those who stayed in the Philippine State College of Aeronautics have already been brought back to their provinces, but for several weeks now, some parts of the Libingan ng mga Bayani have also been converted into a temporary shelter for more stranded travelers. Hundreds of them can be seen sleeping on folding beds and cardboard boxes placed under open tents that were set up near the entrance of the national cemetery.


As we continue to partner with the government, our team—composed of pastors, staff members, and volunteers—have been going to these temporary shelters to donate rice, food packs, disinfectant solution, hygiene kits, folding beds, mattresses, towels, energy drinks, and snacks. Even our volunteers have been pooling their resources so they can go back and provide meals every day. Our pastors from different Victory locations have also been conducting debriefing sessions with them and connecting them to people in their respective provinces who can reach out and talk to them.


In our desire to continue spurring hope amid their situation, we held an activity last Saturday inside the Philippine Army Gym. Volunteer artists and musicians came together to bring familiar music and entertainment to stranded travelers from different provinces. We also served food and engaged with them through the help of our Victory group leaders.


We know that what we do can’t alleviate the pain that they are feeling for being away from their families and loved ones. But it is our prayer that through the little things that we do, we will be able to provide comfort to their tired bodies, put a smile on their faces, and give hope to their weary spirits by showing God’s love to them.

The situation in these temporary shelters is a reminder that our mission to declare and demonstrate the good news continues—with or without the pandemic. Let us do what we can to extend help and bring hope to those around us.


If you would like to serve the locally stranded individuals, you may email us at info@victory.org.ph or send a message on our Facebook page.