New Series: Jesus.

New Series: Jesus.

The “JESUS.” banner that we hung back in the day was our way of making sure everyone knew we were all about Jesus. 

In a time and age where people hesitate to share who they follow, may we never be ashamed to put Jesus first in everything—that He is the one we follow and live by. 

Let us come together over the next four weeks to discover what it truly means to know Jesus as Lord—and how this truth shapes our daily lives.

Week 1: The Lordship of Christ

Week 2: Receiving Christ as Lord

Week 3: Living under the Lordship of Christ

Week 4: Bearing Witness to the Lordship of Christ

You may check the worship service schedules here or by visiting your Victory location’s Facebook page.

See you!

New Series: What Shapes Us

New Series: What Shapes Us

We aren’t merely a product of life’s circumstances. 

God shapes us to live a joyful, fulfilling, and purposeful life– through the power of His unchanging word.

Together, let us dig deeper and find out how God’s truth shapes the core of our being.

Come join us for our upcoming series, What Shapes Us, where we will explore these topics over the next six weeks.

  • Week 1: God
  • Week 2: Creation and Fall
  • Week 3: Jesus
  • Week 4: Gospel
  • Week 5: Holy Spirit
  • Week 6: Church

Join our worship services by checking the schedules here or visiting your Victory location’s Facebook page. 

Secrets my Father Told me

Secrets my Father Told me

“God has secrets too—secrets that He wants to share. Secret riches, hidden treasures in His Word . . . and they are there for His children to discover.”

Marie Bonifacio, guest-blogging on, writes about how life-giving words from her father made an impact to her at an early age. In the same vein, our Heavenly Father is more than willing to share His secrets for us in His Word. Discover the secrets God wants to reveal to us in this blog post, “Secrets my Father Told me”.

My Identity is Based on Who?

My Identity is Based on Who?

“Who are we is based on our relationship with God.”

In this blog post, Victory Greenhills pastor Dennis Sy encourages us to look to God and find our strength and security in Him.

Joy vs. Happiness

Joy vs. Happiness

“A lot of life is based on the decisions we make.”

What is the difference between joy and happiness? Know about it in Pastor Paolo Punzalan’s blog post, “Joy vs. Happiness”.

Faith is a Journey

Faith is a Journey

“It is not the pace of our faith that matters, it is the object of our faith.”

Pastor Steve Murrell gleans from the book of John and talks about different faith journeys in his blog post, “Faith is a Journey”.

The Values Driven Heart

The Values Driven Heart

“When we fill our (lives) with that which is most valuable, we can expect a future filled with the most valuable things in life.”

Pastor Joey Bonifacio encourages us to take stock of what we value most in life in his blog post, “The Values Driven Heart”.

Forgetting God and His Words

Forgetting God and His Words

paolo-punzalanSometimes it is easy for us to forget about what God commands us, particularly with money. In this blog post by Victory Fort pastor Paolo Punzalan, discover the three things that we need to remember in light of God’s faithfulness. Check out his latest blog post, “Forgetting God and His Words.”

When Faith Seems to Fail

When Faith Seems to Fail

jordanlewisAre you in a situation where you feel that God has abandoned you? Know that God is a faithful God, and He is more than able to sustain us in the midst of grief and suffering.

Read this blog post, and we pray that you are encouraged.