Believing God for my Family’s Salvation

Believing God for my Family’s Salvation

gellay_frogosaUniversity student Gellay Frogosa endured criticism from her family when first she preached the gospel to them. Despite that, we can truly know and believe that nothing is impossible with God! Learn how God turned her situation around in this testimony.


After I became a Christian in 2012, I’d wanted my family to get to know Jesus like I did. At the time, both my parents worked abroad, while my siblings and I studied in Manila. When I began to regularly go to church, my family strongly and constantly discouraged me from doing so. I received a lot of criticism from them, and I knew that they were questioning my decision to attend church and be discipled. After all, they knew me—they were familiar with my bad habits and attitudes.

Despite this, I continued in my relationship with God. I began praying for them as well, and God answered my prayers one by one. Shortly after I started ONE 2 ONE in 2012, my sister joined me in attending services every Sunday. She also started asking about my newfound faith. I invited her to Ignite 2013, and from then on, she began to grow in her relationship with God.

Because my parents were abroad, it was a challenge to share the gospel to them. In December 2014, we were able to visit them, and I shared the gospel with and prayed for my dad. Now, my father was my strongest persecutor, if one could say that; he constantly questioned my faith. Eventually, he received Jesus as his Lord and Savior, and he and my mom began to attend an Every Nation church in the country where they work. I’m so excited to share with you that, since then, they’ve attended Victory Weekend, and are now on their way to leading a Victory group there, too!

I cannot ever claim credit for all that God has done in me and in my family. God has changed not just my life, but the lives of my family! Truly, we can trust God’s promises! After all, He did say that when we believe in the Lord Jesus, we are saved—and our entire household as well.

Gellay (left, in black) is in faith for her family to grow deeper in their relationship with God!
Gellay (left, in black) is in faith for her family to grow deeper in their relationship with God!