A Chance to Serve the Community in Arellano University

A Chance to Serve the Community in Arellano University

Last September, Arellano University opened its doors for us to serve around 500 senior high school students, as well as their parents and faculty members. We prepared a seminar for them entitled “Game Changer: Changing the World has No Age Limit!” Our team in University Belt, composed of Victory Group leaders who are students, young professionals, and married couples, geared up to encourage people of all ages about the part they play in changing the world.

We held separate sessions for each age group to fit their needs. We prepared activities and sessions about identity and purpose for the students with the help of our student volunteers from universities around Manila, including those who are leaders of their respective student councils and organizations.

The parents attended a session about understanding post-millennials, which is the generation of the current batch of senior high school students. The couples who volunteered also discussed parenting and family life with them.

We held sessions for the faculty members about understanding post-millennials as well, with the addition of an inspiring discussion on their impact in the next generation as teachers.

It was a fruitful morning, not just for the participants, but also for our volunteers. Everyone came out of the sessions with a renewed passion to make a difference in their generation.

As the African proverb goes, “It takes a village to raise a child.” We believe the same is true for bringing up a world changer. It takes a community of students, parents, and faculty members to raise future leaders that will change the campus and change the world.