Hope from the Ashes: Helping Las Piñas Fire Victims Recover from A Tragedy

Hope from the Ashes: Helping Las Piñas Fire Victims Recover from A Tragedy

With March as a Fire Prevention Month, continue to pray for our nation’s protection from further devastating fire incidents.

Just over a week ago, a second-alarm fire struck the Maligaya Compound in Barangay Pilar, Las Piñas City.

This fire tragically impacted 30 homes, displacing 125 families and roughly 400 individuals. Thankfully, there were no reported casualties or injuries. 

An overwhelming number of volunteers from various organizations across the city joined forces with us—including the body of Christ in Las Piñas.

We are also grateful for our leaders who readily offered help and provided meals to those affected.

What a sight of grace to behold—that despite the tragic event, we were led to an open door, an unexpected opportunity to demonstrate and proclaim the gospel. 

We were also given the privilege to pray for and minister to our barangay officials.

May our hearts of compassion continue to burn with fire, to be vessels of things of eternal worth, unlike a physical fire that consumes and destroys.

Let’s continue to stand in prayer and faith together.

  • Pray for our second wave of efforts to provide counseling and medical support for the fire victims.
  • Pray for continued protection and recovery for the affected families. Just recently, another fire broke out on Wednesday (March 6) morning, displacing another 170 families.