Every Nation Books

Every Nation Books

As a church, we value Lordship, evangelism, discipleship, leadership, and family. You can learn more about these values through stories from our church leaders in these books.


A Bible and a Passport by Jun Escosar 

Every disciple needs a Bible and a passport—a Bible to know God, and a passport to obey the Great Commission. In this book, Pastor Jun Escosar talks about how a bunch of students decided to use a Bible and a passport to preach the gospel in every nation. He also tells stories about Every Nation missionaries from different corners of the world. Learn more about our heart and strategy for missions as you read this book.

Available on Amazon and Kindle


Run by Ferdie Cabiling 

Running this race called life is never easy. In this book, Running Pastor Ferdie Cabiling shares key insights that he gained through running races in life, both literally and figuratively. He also tells the stories from his run across the Philippines for almost 50 days. Run shows us that to finish strong, we need to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, as we run the race set before us.

Available on Amazon, Kindle, and major bookstores nationwide!



My First, Second & Third Attempts at Parenting by Steve Murrell 

How do we raise the next generation to love God and pursue His will? In this book, Pastor Steve Murrell shares stories and reflections that can help us discover God’s heart toward children, our hearts as parents, and how we can prepare our children’s hearts to know and love their heavenly Father.

Available on Amazon, Kindle, and in major bookstores nationwide!



WikiChurch by Steve Murrell 

Jesus commanded us to go and make disciples. As a church, our primary focus is on helping people follow Jesus, not building buildings. This book will help us learn how to engage culture and community, establish biblical foundations, equip believers to minister, and empower disciples to make disciples.

Available on Amazon and Kindle!



The Multiplication Challenge by Steve Murrell 

“Where do I find more leaders?” Most leaders of a growing organization eventually ask this question. And though the need for leaders is great, few of us know how to create a culture of leadership development. This book recounts how Pastor Steve and Every Nation solved the leadership shortage of a growing church and global mission organization through the four leadership multipliers—identification, instruction, impartation, and internship.

Available on Amazon, Kindle, and in major bookstores nationwide!


100 Years from Now by Steve Murrell

What will our movement look like 100 years from now? Our prayer is that we will be able to carry out our mission, values, and culture beyond our lifetime. Sustaining a movement for generations is not easy, but it’s possible! This book looks at the values and principles we started with and hope to continue to hold onto even 100 years from now.

Available on Amazon!



Our history, mission, values, and culture have played a big part in where we are now as a movement. But ultimately, these foundations are nothing without God’s grace. It is His grace that has allowed us to honor Him and make disciples, from 35 years ago until today. Here’s to more years of honoring God and making disciples!

Beyond the Series:  A Journey with the Gospel

Beyond the Series: A Journey with the Gospel

In this video, Bishop Ferdie Cabiling narrates his journey with God and encourages us to preach the gospel and make disciples.

Bishop Ferdie is the director of Victory in Metro Manila. He oversees the leadership and growth of our church as a member of the Bishops’ Council of Victory.

He was an eighteen-year-old student at Adamson University when he heard the gospel and decided to follow Jesus. At a young age, he also helped people share their testimony and preach the good news to others.

He and his wife Judy have two children, Elle and Philip, and have been married for over twenty-five years. His wife serves in the church by making disciples and empowering leaders, especially women. His daughter, Elle, is now a full-time campus missionary who reaches out to students in Katipunan.


This video was initially part of Pastor Gilbert Foliente’s first-quarter report for 2019.

Ferdie Cabiling, “Establish in the Word and Prayer”

Ferdie Cabiling, “Establish in the Word and Prayer”

The following is a transcript of Bishop Ferdie Cabiling’s message from Discipleship 2018.

Today, I want to focus on being established in the Word and prayer. Why do we need to be established in the Word and prayer? Because we are living in a world where we have so many challenges—the pressures of the world and of the flesh. We have the typhoons of life, the storms of life, that would try to devastate and destroy us. There are a lot of teachings out there that would try to derail us from the doctrines and theology of the Scriptures. And so therefore, there’s a need for a believer, right after they have received Christ, to be established in the faith, in Jesus, and in the Word and prayer.

I couldn’t think of any passage, there are a lot of passages, but I want to look at the story in Ezra 7:10. It says in this passage, “for Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the Lord and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel.”

Ezra was sent to the remnants in Jerusalem, in order to help build spiritual foundations in the lives of the remnants and of the Israelites. He was sent there—there was Zerubbabel, there was Nehemiah, who had built the walls of the city, but Ezra was sent to establish a strong foundation in the spiritual life of the people. And so this is the commission given to him in this short passage, and I’d like to share this to us.

In the first part of the verse in NIV, it says, “he devoted himself.” He devoted himself. That’s where we get the words “devotions” and “devotionals,” some people say, “devos,” their daily devotionals. He devoted himself, and there are three areas where he devoted himself. The first one is study. He devoted himself to searching the Scriptures. Sometimes, when people would try to study the Bible, they do it out of curiosity, and that’s good at first, but I hope that we go beyond curiosity.

Some people are on the other side of the fence; they’re study the Scriptures so they can display, so they can have knowledge, so they can have more tools and weapons to argue with people. We don’t want that; we don’t want to gain knowledge that puffs up (1 Corinthians 8:1). We’re not here just to gain knowledge; we don’t just study the Scripture for displaying, so that we can win all the arguments. I believe that we are called of God to study the Scriptures, so that we can have an understanding of the Word of God. Understanding of the Scriptures is very crucial. That’s why there’s a need to come and understand, seeking to understand the Scriptures. You don’t impose what you know about the Scriptures; you examine the Scriptures, you search the Scriptures. And that is an important part.

There were Jews in Acts 17:11 that were more of noble character than the Thessalonians. They’re called the Bereans. Why? Because the Scripture says that these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the Word with all eagerness. There’s such a desire inside of them. They examined the Scriptures daily. These are the Berean Jews who have heard the sermons, and yet they did not stop there. They decided to receive it with eagerness, and it says, “they examined the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” In NIV it says, “to see if what Paul preached was really true.”

How dare these people question what they have heard from Apostle Paul, who is the author of two-thirds of the New Testament? Today, we have doctrines and theology, and most of those came from the writings of Apostle Paul, and yet these men and women decided to examine the Scriptures daily, to see if what he really said was true. They weren’t questioning the character of the person; they were just good students of the Word. They examined the Scriptures daily to see if what Paul’s sermon was really true.

So there’s a meditation that was happening. God wants us to meditate on His Scripture. The word “meditate” means to muse, to think over and over, to ponder, to mutter, to memorize, to internalize, to pray, to ruminate, to think about it slowly at time, to say it over and over again, to examine the Scriptures, so I can have that as part of who I am—the Word of God. Study the Scriptures.

Romans 10:7 says, “faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” When we allow ourselves to be in the Scriptures, when we allow the Word of God to become part of who we are, when we are faced with the pressures of the world, when we are faced with the challenges, like the storms of life, then we would be able to make it. When there are false doctrines that are being taught, then it will help us discern and have spiritual discernment, and say this is false, and this is true, because I have been meditating on the Word of God. And so that is crucial, in order for us to be established in the Word and Prayer—devotion to His Word. We have to be devoted to His Word, and I’ll tell more about that as we move on.

The next part of the devotion that Ezra focuses himself on is to study the Scriptures, and then, to do it. It says, to do it. He was delighted to do the Word of God, and apply it. Practice it and do it. There were five frogs on a log. Three decided to jump. When you look at the log, there were still five more on the log, in spite of three deciding to jump. Why? Because decision doesn’t mean action. There’s a big difference. It’s by the grace of God that will help us apply the Scriptures.

Discipleship without teaching will be hard. Acts 28:20 says, “teaching them to obey, teaching them to do.” It takes the grace of God to apply what we’re learning in this life. There’s a trap sometimes, that, because we know of something, we can be deceived to think we have already done it. There’s a big difference between knowing and doing. There’s a huge gap between knowing and doing. It is crucial to bridge the gap, and that is by the grace of God, helping one another, helping a fellow believer as a Victory group leader, helping them to cross the bridge and apply it in their lives.

Victory group leaders have to help one another; we can’t do it, apart from one another, letting the Word of God be applied in our lives. The challenges and pains in this life, we can’t make it without the Word of God being part of who we are. In the Philippines, we have regular guests: around nineteen to twenty storms every year. In Metro Manila, we have around five to six storms. We call it typhoons; in Bangladesh, they call it cyclone; in the US, they called it hurricane. Nevertheless, these are storms. Pastor Ariel mentioned that a while ago, when we started out, when he tried to explain Establish, the Scriptures from Matthew 7:24-27 told about the wise man who built his house on a rock, but when the rain fell and the winds blew, and the floods came, and beat against the house, the house did not fall because it was founded on the rock. But the foolish man who built his house on the sand, when the rain came in and the winds blew and came and beat against the house, the house fell with a great crash.

You know, with the typhoons hitting us, I have my own personal experience in my province. I grew up in Central Luzon, where we experience around seven to eight typhoons every year. I had an experience when I visited Tacloban, seeing the devastation and seeing the bodies all over the place because of a huge storm, and people asking questions upon questions; it’s tough to be a pastor in the middle of this devastation. Pastor Janssen and I had dinner in the midst of all this, and all the eyes were on us, inquiring about the typhoons and the devastation, and there were arguments, they would argue and they would talk, and then finally, everyone’s eyes were on us, the pastors, as if we all know the answers to all the issues of the world.

Sometimes, you feel the same way, but I believe if we have the Word of God in our hearts, though we may go through some tough times, there’s something there. As we say in Tagalog, “meron kang mahuhugot. Sa paghihirap sa buhay, meron kang mahuhugot, because the Word of God is in your heart.”

I appreciate my wife, Judy, for going through this life with me. We have a son who was born with special needs. He’s about to be 14 years old. What is sustaining us today is the Word and His promises to each and every one of us. Before coming here today, I had to see my son go through through a seizure. What would sustain a father? What would sustain a person who’s going through some tough times in life? There’s only one thing that would help us be sustained. Through the storms of life, there’s one thing that would cause us to move on and continue to fulfill God’s purpose in our lives: His Word.

Establishing in the Word and prayer.
Devoted to study.
Delighted to do.

And the last part, it says there, “to teach.” Determined to teach. It is part of establishing foundations of the Word and prayer in the heart of a believer, for them not just to gain knowledge to apply it in their lives, but also for them to find someone to share their faith with, to find someone to share what the Lord has been speaking to them through the Word.

Teach! Going back to that passage in Matthew 28:20, teaching “them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Teaching is part of discipleship, and we cannot set that aside. I thank God for the people who have taught me the Scriptures. I thank God for Pastor Tom who helped me understand the Scriptures. I thank God for Gregory Dickow, who helped me and asked me to go read the Bible together with him, while he was reading his Bible in a corner, I was reading my Bible in the other corner. He showed me how to spend time in the Scriptures, and to preach. Some of you wonder if evangelists taught me how to preach, but it was Pastor Steve who taught me how to preach in FEU and in UST. I thank God for the investment of time; in all the wrong words I’ve spoken, he would correct me along the way. I appreciate him going out with me in teaching others the Word of God. We needed somebody to come! It would take a community to make a disciple; we can’t have a disciple without the community.


In page 145 of WikiChurch, it says, “Just be a chapter ahead.” Just one chapter ahead! If you are are one chapter ahead, as long as you can stay one chapter ahead, you can disciple him. You don’t have to be in a seminary to be able to teach. One of the challenges we had in 1984, when we would go out and preach in the streets, would be religious folks who would come to use and ask:

“Have you been to a seminary? What seminary have you come from?”

And they would ask us, while we were preaching the gospel, they would challenge us, “Have you been to a seminary?”

Thirty-four years later, now I’m in the seminary!

But thirty-four years ago? “What do you mean, cemetery, I mean, seminary?”

We only know the Bible! We only know people who helped us go through the Scriptures and built that foundation in our lives. Amazing, amazing experience.

You know what? Ezra said that he devoted himself, he set his heart, devoted himself, to study, to do, and to teach. Now, that’s one man. But when we go to Acts 2:42, they devoted themselves to apostles’ teaching, to prayer and to fellowship, to breaking of bread, and to prayers. We want each and every one of us to be devoted in faith, devoted in the Word and prayer, devoted in fellowship and church community. When we are founded on the rock, when we are founded and devoted to the Scriptures, then it will help establish others, it would ignite a spiritual passion in others as well. As Victory group leaders and interns, a disciple established in God’s Word and prayer ignites spiritual passion for others to follow. When they see you and I established in God’s Word and prayer, then it would ignite something in the hearts of the people we’re helping.

The reason why I’m able, the reason why it’s possible for me, as a young person, to read the Scriptures, is because I’d seen this man exemplify reading the Bible. I still remember him up to today, because he would show me the Scripture. He was the one who brought me to biblical foundations. Greg Dickow. He would bring me into that class—that was the first time I met Pastor Steve teaching the class—to make sure that it was established in my life.

I’d like to encourage us today: have your own Bibles. Have a Bible app if you need to, or an old-school Bible. Get a Bible. Get a large print if you’re above forty; if you’re below, it doesn’t matter. Get your own Bible, not your wife’s Bible. Have your own! Then have a notebook where you can write the verses that the Lord has been speaking to you.

You can use different ways to do it. There’s SOAP. There’s Scripture, Observe, Ask, and then, Pray. Who among you take a bath every day? Okay, remember SOAP, every day, you gotta have that SOAP. You get your Bible. Scripture, Observe, Ask Questions, and then Pray.

Let’s say you don’t take a bath every day. You go on the road, so let’s use ROAD. Read, Observe, Ask, and Do. ROAD. Maybe you can do that, whatever it takes, just read and then observe, ask questions, and then write what you have been observing, and out from that would come your devotion and then prayer at the end.

Or, I made up another one: Stare. Stare at the Scriptures, and if you see something glaring, something that you have observed, write it down. Glare. Have you experienced that, something glaring out of the verse? And then Dare to change. Have you read your Bible sometimes, reading your Bible, and you start crying? You close your Bible, and then you start crying? The Holy Spirit is daring you to be transformed, and you come before God in prayer, and then you Share. Find somebody to share what you have learned that day in your devotion.

Whatever it takes!

Then you gotta have The Purple Book! Go through it, and get deeper in the Scriptures. We are trying to put it online so that it can be quicker for some of us to share it with others, but there’s no shortcut. Go get The Purple Book. I’m just so encouraged today. May the Lord bless you as you continue to search the Scripture like the Bereans.

Change a life, change the nation at Run for LIFE Cebu

Change a life, change the nation at Run for LIFE Cebu

In celebration of its tenth anniversary, the Real LIFE Foundation, a Christian NGO that provides scholarships for underprivileged but bright and deserving students, invites everyone to support its scholarship program by participating in Run for LIFE Cebu.

Run for LIFE Cebu features running pastor Ferdie Cabiling, who, in 2015, ran more than 2,000 kilometers across the Philippines in support of Real LIFE’s scholars. More than 330 high school and college scholars across the Philippines stand to benefit from this 2017 run, which takes place November 18 through 30.

To support our Real LIFE scholars, you can give online, securely and directly, at http://reallife.ph. Together, we can continue to change a life, and change the nation!

Honoring God in Your Ministry

Honoring God in Your Ministry

After reading through the transcription of a prophecy spoken over me as a young believer in 1986 by a senior prophet of our movement, my pastor sat me down and affirmed that I might have really been called to ministry. It didn’t seem like it was for general ministry, but in full-time capacity as a preacher of the gospel. Prior to that talk, I still knew in my heart that God was calling me to ministry; I just didn’t know how to go about it.

Know that God has called us to be ministers of the gospel, whether in full-time capacity or not. We believe that every believer is a minister. Charles Hillis, a missionary to China, says, “every soul with Christ is a missionary. Every soul without Christ is a mission field.”

As followers of Christ, we are called to be fishers of men, and therefore, ministers of the gospel.

As ministers, how can we honor God in what we do, not only to properly represent Christianity to outsiders, but so it won’t be “reviled” but ultimately glorify God?

The apostle Paul mentions the word “honor” five times in his first epistle to Timothy (1 Timothy 1:17, 5:3, 5:17, 6:1, 6:16).

Let all who are under a yoke as bondservants regard their own masters as worthy of all HONOR, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be reviled.

1 Timothy 6:1

To him be HONOR and eternal dominion. Amen.

1 Timothy 6:16

Clearly, Paul meant to emphasize honor. Using the acrostic HONOR, let us look at how we can honor God in ministry.


Handles the truth correctly. (1 Timothy 6:2f-5)
As we handle the Word of truth, we are expected to adhere to the sound Word of God and not be easily swayed by any popular controversial teaching getting into the church. At the same time, we  continue to foster a godly attitude produced by a burning heart, not a questionable one propelled by a big head.

Obeys the path of godliness. (1 Tim 6:6, 6:11)
We honor God when we choose to follow the path of godliness. We exert a fairly good amount of effort in deliberately pursuing godliness and all his other friends–righteousness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness–and fleeing from issues that weaken your desire towards it.

Never gives up the fight. (1 Tim 6:12)
The moment you took the side of righteousness, you declared war against the opposing stronghold of wickedness. You need to take the mission to heart like a soldier and be determined to win like an athlete.

Don’t give up contending for the faith, or even for the souls of men.

We honor Him when we fight the good fight, and grasp firmly the calling and the hope that we have: God’s gift of eternal life.

Opposes material gain. (1 Tim 6:5, 7-10)
Part of the calling of a minister is a realization that material things are but a means for us to propel God’s kingdom here in earth. Money is a tool; an equipment to be used, not to be worshiped. When we become derailed by it and of its lure; we lose sight of its purpose.

Resolves to serve until the end. (1 Tim 6:13-16)
A recent study discovered that young people don’t necessarily stay loyal to just one another. Mostly, they tend to hop from one company to another. If this is the prevailing status of this culture, it’s even more challenging today to swim against the flow, spiritually speaking, but it’s worth it. It’s a sign you’re alive! Dead fish go with the flow, you know.

Stay loyal. Endure. Keep the faith. Don’t give up. Stay in the game no matter what. I know you’ll be richly rewarded. We honor Him as we resolve to serve God till the end. Isn’t that amazing that a call to ministry could start out with a still small voice in a person’s heart?


Well, it happened to me. When that pastor sat down with me, I heard God calling.

I was just caught off guard.

I didn’t realize that God sounded like Steve Murrell.


Ferdie Cabiling serves as the Executive Director of Victory Metro Manila. He is married to Judy and is a dad to Elle and John Philip.

Jesus As Lord

Jesus As Lord

MANY CHRISTIANS are still being persecuted in some parts of the world today.

Say I was stranded in one of these nations and a police approached me for he discovered I am a pastor proselytizing the locals and said, “I am cutting off your tongue.  And before I do, you may say one last sentence.”

Jesus Is Lord!” is what I would say.

Now, if he would allow me a second sentence then I will surely say, “Please don’t kill me!” At least I had already declared the first one!

Jesus Is Lord

This is the capsulated version of Christianity’s statement of faith, “Jesus is Lord.”  The Fathers of the faith in church history went through such great lengths just to be able to separate truth from the prevailing falsehood, help believers get a good grasp of their faith in a manner that they can easily understand, and be able to share to others. They are what we know today as (besides the Chalcedon Creed and the Nicene Creed) the Apostles’ Creed.

Do or die

Declaring “Jesus is Lord!” in the Philippines today would cause people to give you a religious label. But during the time of Jesus, it would mean martyrdom. With Rome as the prevailing empire at that time, the word ‘lord’ has an imperial usage. There’s only one lord— Caesar. On the other side of the coin, among the Jews, it had a religious connotation. Only Jehovah is Lord. So for them, to insinuate that there’s another Lord is incomprehensible.

Perfect Righteousness

When someone says, “Jesus is Lord“, that person is declaring two inseparable natures of Christ: perfect righteousness and unlimited power.

1 John 1:5 says, “In him there’s no darkness at all.” He takes charge of the universe with perfect righteousness.

His perfect righteousness, though, without his unlimited power to carry out that righteousness would render him not worthy of worship. And people of the earth could not be guaranteed justice.

Unlimited Power

While on the other hand, unlimited power without perfect righteousness would make the center of all things to be unrighteousness. And no one, as in no one, could do anything to change that. It would render Christ as tyrant and abusive in his leadership.

But thanks be to God that while in his humiliation he was named ‘Jesus’.

Matthew 1:21: “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”

He accomplished that through the cross.

That’s what we call the gospel.

The Gospel

My good friend Rice Broocks has this to say to summarize what the gospel is. (I hope I can write it out of memory.)

“The gospel is the good news that God became a man in Jesus Christ. He lived the life that we should have lived. And died the death that we should have died. After three days he rose again from the dead proving that he is the son of God. And offering the gift of salvation to those who will repent and believe the gospel.”

In his exaltation, he was declared by the Father as ‘Lord’.

Philippians 2:9-11: “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Seriously, if I would be given a chance to speak again before the police would cut off my tongue, what would I really say?

I would just repeat my first statement.

“Jesus Is Lord!”


ferdie-cabilingFerdie Cabiling is the director of Victory Metro Manila, and a member of Victory Philippine’s Apostolic team. He is married to Judy, father to Elle and John Philip. You can like his Facebook page or follow him on Twitter.

For more information on #myVictoryStory, click here, and to read other responses to this week’s question on Lordship, please click here.