Make Your Own ENACTstagram!

Share your insights from our ENACT series through ENACTstagram! Post your favorite quotes from our six-week series using your smartphone or mobile device!

You can make your own photo quotes by visiting Canva, a website that enables you to create social media images, or by downloading Phonto on iOS and Android! Here are a few Instagram background templates that you can use:

ENAct_IG_Template_2 ENAct_IG_Template_3 ENAct_IG_Template_1

Don’t forget to use the hashtags #REACT2ENACT, #ENACTstagram, and #EveryNationInAction! Tag us on Twitter and Instagram, too!


New Series: ENACT

New Series: ENACT

We’re excited to launch our series, ENact! For the next six weeks, we will learn more about our mission as a church, and the role we can take in our community, the campuses, and the nations of the world.

We hope you can join us at a Victory congregation nearest you as we discuss the following topics:

  • Week one: Church
  • Week two: Community
  • Week three: Next Generation
  • Week four: Campus
  • Week five: Nations
  • Week six: Missionaries

Join us at a Victory location nearest you! Victory is one church meeting in fifteen congregations across various locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in multiple locations across the Philippines.

If you’re tweeting about our “ENact” series, please use our official hashtag #EveryNationInAction.

Invite your family and friends! See you at our services!