Pray for the Ongoing Academic Calendar Shift

Pray for the Ongoing Academic Calendar Shift

The Department of Education (DepEd) has made it official –  we are shifting back to the old school calendar of June-March from the current August-May calendar.

Many public school teachers and students have been suffering from extreme heat, which has resulted in the sacrifice of school calendar activities. 

The shift is expected to complete its transition by the school year 2027-2028. Yet, DepEd received calls for an immediate return to the old school calendar instead of having a 2-year transition period.

There are concerns that the senior high school students going to college may experience potential learning loss due to the long 5-month break.

Some experts even suggest that reverting to the old calendar is only a temporary solution and that the heat problems must be addressed differently—this could include limiting class size, ensuring good room ventilation, and equipping teachers with remote learning teaching skills to avoid learning loss.

As a church, our heart has always been to reach and disciple the future leaders of our nation. Let’s continue to pray for our government officials as they embark on this two-year transition, in view of providing quality education for the next generation. Let’s also pray for grace upon the teachers, students, and parents as they adjust to this academic calendar shift. And of course, let us pray for churches all over the Philippines as we carry out student evangelism and discipleship in their context while adapting to changes in the academic calendar.

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for the Department of Education. Pray for wisdom and guidance as they plan and implement strategies that will truly benefit students, teachers, and the entire education system in our country. 
  2. Pray for the grace and well-being of teachers, students, and parents as they adjust to this academic calendar shift.
  3. Pray for wisdom, creativity, and flexibility for our campus missionaries as they preach the gospel and disciple students despite the changing schedules.
  4. Pray for God’s favor for more partnerships with high school and university teachers, professors, and school admin in discipling the next generation.

To learn more about the current situation in our nation, you can read the resources through the links below:

Real LIFE to Conduct National Scholars’ Conference

Real LIFE to Conduct National Scholars’ Conference

From October 24 to 26, 2016, more than 260 Real LIFE Foundation scholars from Metro Manila and the provincial areas will gather for their annual National Scholar’s Conference. This event aims to equip the scholars for L.I.F.E. (leadership, integrity, faith, excellence) and to encourage them in their faith.

The conference is also a great opportunity for our Real LIFE scholars to be connected, build relationships with fellow scholars from other Philippine cities, and be inspired to make a difference in their own ways.

The scholars will hear from different Victory pastors, namely Pastor Joseph Bonifacio, who will talk about leadership; Pastor Gilbert Foliente, who will speak about integrity; Pastor Joey Bonifacio, who will expound Huddle copyon faith; and Bishop Ferdie Cabiling, who will tackle the topic of excellence.

There will also be workshops focused on different course tracks like engineering, accountancy, communications and information technology, and business management. These sessions will be done in a classroom set-up, with the goal of preparing our students for their respective fields after graduation. Every Nation campus missionaries will also speak to our high school scholars about identity, character and developing good habits.

We are in faith that when our Real LIFE scholars go back to their respective homes and campuses after the conference, they will be refreshed, energized, and encouraged to live lives of leadership, integrity, faith, and excellence, and inspire others to do the same!

If you would like to know more about Real LIFE Foundation and make a difference in the lives of these scholars, visit




