Pray for God’s Mercy and Intervention during the El Niño

Pray for God’s Mercy and Intervention during the El Niño

Summer is almost here. While we’ve enjoyed cooler weather in the previous months, we may soon find ourselves facing warmer temperatures than usual. PAGASA defines El Niño as characterized by unusually warmer than average sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific. 

This year, El Niño is bringing drought, leading to three consecutive months of significantly below-normal rainfall conditions. Based on PAGASA’s projection, provinces will continue to be affected over the next three months. Six areas have already been declared to be in a state of calamity.

Task Force El Niño spokesperson Assistant Secretary Joey Villarama stated that currently, 67 provinces are experiencing the effects of El Niño, with 30 of them facing drought conditions. Assistant Secretary Arnel de Mesa, the spokesperson of the Department of Agriculture, reported nearly 30,000 farmers have already experienced a decrease in crop yield and harvest. These damages to our agriculture could adversely affect our entire economy with decreasing supply and rising commodity prices. Which is why we must pray for our nation at this time.

Drought and famine are familiar concepts, even dating back to ancient times. The Bible alone recounts numerous instances of drought and famine. Just as God faithfully provided in those times, we can rest assured that abundance is not far from us.  Let us be in faith that the God who gives rain for the seed with which we sow the ground, will make our land rich and abundant (Isaiah 30:23). 

“In times of disaster they will not wither; in days of famine they will enjoy plenty.”Psalm 37:19 (NIV84)

Even in the droughts and famines of our lives, we declare for restoration of inheritance, as there will be rain in abundance, ready to quench the greater thirst of the human soul (Psalm 68:9).

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for God’s mercy and intervention in mitigating the effects of El Niño. Let us believe Him for a supernatural provision of rain and relief for affected regions, praying for an end to the drought and recovery of everything that was lost.
  2. Pray for those impacted directly by El Niño – farmers, producers, livestock keepers, and communities facing food and water shortages. Pray for their health and protection, provision of basic needs, and resilience amidst another challenging circumstance.
  3. Pray for wisdom for our government as they seek solutions to mitigate the impacts of El Niño. May they come up with innovative strategies and long-term solutions to combat this drought.
  4. Pray that our church will continuously be God’s hands and feet during this time of El Niño. May the church be a beacon of hope to those in need by proclaiming and demonstrating the gospel to them.

To learn more about the current situation in our nation, you can read the resources through the links below: