Fear or Faith

Fear or Faith

When we preach the gospel, fear is one of the usual things we encounter. How do we respond to such instances? Let’s find out through the story of Damboo, a Victory group leader from Alabang and a volunteer at our Unashamed conference last August 2017.

After the second day of the Unashamed conference, I rode a jeepney on the way home and found a seat beside Kuya Manuel, a 59-year old jeepney driver who has been a tsuper for 47 years. I was excited to preach the gospel to him, so I engaged him in a conversation. As I talked to him, I realized that the passengers at the back could hear us. I began to doubt my ability to preach the gospel to kuya Manuel. I felt uncomfortable as I became aware of the situation. When I started to feel fear, I suddenly remembered the power of God that enables His children to be witnesses.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8, ESV)


I prayed silently and asked God to guide me. In response, He told me, “Just go and share the gospel.” At his prompting, I immediately did The GOD Test with Kuya Manuel, and by God’s grace, he accepted Jesus as His Lord and Savior right there in his jeepney! I was amazed at how things turned out that night. I thanked God for giving me the courage and compassion to preach the gospel to Kuya Manuel. I couldn’t help but praise God for his power to move in our lives and in others. After my encounter with Kuya Manuel, I decided that I will go when He calls me to go. I will no longer give excuses when it comes to reaching out to people.

Damboo’s resolve to preach the gospel continues to grow as he serves. At present, he is preparing to join a Ten Days mission trip.

Like Damboo, we are faced with the challenge of giving in to fear or responding in faith everyday. In these situations, let us ask God to remind us of His power so we can walk in faith and courage.