New Series: Colors of Christmas

New Series: Colors of Christmas

Christmas is here once again! It’s another time for us to give gifts to one another, attend parties, catch up with old friends, and be reunited with our loved ones. But surely, there’s more to Christmas than all the activities we do!

Find out the real reason for the season as we launch our series, “Colors of Christmas.” Learn what Christmas truly means, and how Jesus’ birth has been making a difference in people’s lives even until today.

Here’s the list of weekly topics:

Week one: Green – The life Jesus gave
Week two: Red – The sacrifice He made
Week three: Gold – The promise of His birth
Week four: White – Our standing in Jesus

Victory meets in different locations in Metro Manila. We’re also in different provinces across the Philippines. Check out our national directory for the Victory center nearest you.

Invite your family and friends, and have a colorful Christmas with us! See you at our services!