Floodwaters of Grace

Floodwaters of Grace

Our God is a God who can turn tragedies into stories of redemption.

After nearly a month of devastation caused by Super Typhoon Carina, our nation is slowly recovering. Yet, amidst the rebuilding, we remember how the flood of God’s grace poured into the hearts of our communities, even as the floodwaters filled their homes.

Two days after the flood receded, affected families in a town in San Pedro returned to their homes to face the challenge of cleaning up. One volunteer from Victory San Pedro teamed up with a couple from Victory Alabang to serve their neighborhood and offer prayers during the cleanup. Pastor Rein to join them in ministering to the people. The small team was driven by a heart to bless the community and share God’s love.

They went door-to-door, offering assistance wherever needed. Little did they know that this would become an open door for God to touch hearts and invite people into a relationship with Him. On each visit, they asked about each family’s well-being. While no casualties were in their midst, the calamity brought fear and despair. The team heard stories of great fear as the floodwaters rapidly rose, an unprecedented event for the community.

The team encouraged the residents and reminded them of God’s protection for their families. These conversations led to a revelation of who Christ is and what He has done -His work on the cross covers and preserves; but more than anything, Christ has provided a solution for all eternity, giving us eternal hope. 

From one family hearing the good news of the gospel, filled with great joy, word spread quickly, and soon, neighbors from across the street requested prayers as well. Around 12 families received prayer and ministry, and much later, people from the community flocked the streets and opened their hearts to receive God’s love in their midst. 

It was undeniable that there was an outpouring of God’s spirit, a flood of grace that surpassed any physical floodwaters. The same hunger for Jesus was evident from one street to another. 

Although the floodwaters invaded their homes, the overwhelming flood of God’s grace poured into their hearts at that very moment. 

Please continue to pray for our teams in Alabang and San Pedro as they continually support the rebuilding — not just of homes but lives that are touched and transformed by Christ. 

A Ray of Hope in the Storm: Extending Christ’s Love to Cities Affected by Typhoon Carina

A Ray of Hope in the Storm: Extending Christ’s Love to Cities Affected by Typhoon Carina

Last week, we woke up to dark gray skies and the deafening sound of heavy rainfall as the southwest monsoon enhanced by typhoon Carina ravaged our nation. Over 1.3 million lives were affected by severe floods and landslides, prompting rescue operations in several areas. The cities of Caloocan, Malabon, Navotas, Valenzuela, and Marikina were the hardest hit across Metro Manila. 

In times of darkness and despair, our church locations across the nation opened their doors, providing refuge from the storm. 

Displaced families sought comfort and shelter in many of our church locations that served as emergency evacuation centers.

With eager hearts, many brought donations across Metro Manila, immediately packing relief goods and non-food essentials like medicines, hygiene kits, school supplies, and cleaning materials. 

Not long after, these goods were distributed, opening doors to pray and speak a word of encouragement to affected communities.

Through your efforts, prayers, and heart of service, over 5,873 families in around 22 cities, 3 municipalities, 95 barangays, 14 campuses, and 23 villages/subdivisions as well as our Real LIFE scholars and church members experienced God’s love.

Thank you for reflecting Christ’s compassion and comfort through your wholehearted generosity, opening doors for the gospel to be proclaimed and demonstrated.

Let’s continue to pray for God’s peace, comfort, and provision as our nation recovers from this calamity. Amidst the darkness of this world, may God’s love shine through His Church so that more people will come to Him and find everlasting salvation and hope.