Living up to God’s Design

Living up to God’s Design

Isn’t it empowering to know that God has an intended design for how we are to live? Blueprint, our recently concluded series, laid out God’s design for biblical manhood and gave all of us a guide on how we can live our lives to the full!

On our Facebook page, we asked people to share the most important lesson they learned from Blueprint. Here are some of their insights:


  • “We learned that we are made in the image and likeness of God, that we are designed to trust Him and to walk in His ways.”

“God has a specific design for me. When I don’t trust God’s design and I rely on my own ways, I fall into pride. But when I trust His design, I become more . . .  blessed.”

— Ronald C.

“God did not design us to fail. He is perfect and He created us in His own image. All we need to do is open our eyes and see how perfect His will is for each and every one of us.”

— Patricia D.

“God created me in His likeness. His imprint is in me. I should seek His plan for me.”

— Paul A.


  • “We learned that we are made to be faithful stewards of the work we are blessed with. Work is designed by God to be His channel of blessing. It is also an avenue through which we can worship Him.”

“I work to glorify God, not men. I serve Him in all of my ways.”

— Jzca R.


  • “We learned that we are made to live our roles according to God’s design.”

“Leadership is about authority, direction and accountability.”

— Elaine S.

“I need to take care of my family and my presence is very important in order to raise a godly family. As an OFW, I’m praying that God will lead me to a work where I could be with my family. I believe in miracles!”

— Jose T.

“Wonderful message about the role of husbands. As head of the family, they should be the spiritual leaders, not the wives, though the wives (with the right attitude) should perform their duties as helpmates to their husbands. Wives need to pray more for their husbands.”

— Maria Theresa O.


How about you, what was the most important lesson you learned from Blueprint? Let’s put God’s Word to practice and live up to God’s biblical design every day!

New Series: Blueprint

New Series: Blueprint

Just as a structural blueprint gives rise to a majestic structure, God has crafted a blueprint which gives us an idea of how we could live our lives to the full. Knowing what His blueprint holds aids us in developing a changed mindset and a positive impact to our relationships, our community, and our nation.

What’s more, God’s blueprint touches on essential topics such as biblical manhood, the ownership of it, and the responsibility and authority that comes with it.

Join us in the next couple of weeks and discover what this Blueprint says specifically about God’s intended design for biblical manhood!

We will be hearing about the following topics:

Week One: In God’s Image
Week Two: In the Garden
Week Three: In the Lead

Victory holds weekly services in fifteen locations across Metro Manila and sixty locations in the provinces. Drop by our national directory to find out where the local Victory church nearest you is.

Spread the word to your friends and family, and we hope to see you all at our services!