Ways you can Show Love to Your Family

In week six of our “All and Nothing” series, we learned what it means to honor God in our family relationships. Today, let’s explore how we can put what we learned into practice. What are different ways we can show love to our family members?


Through our Words IMG_1808

We have an opportunity daily to be a blessing, not only in serving and generosity, but with our words. The Bible encourages us to speak life, and when we encourage our families, we let God’s words be our words, and become instruments of His blessing to them.

When was the last time you told a family member that you loved them? Encourage a family member today by highlighting something that he or she did that genuinely impresses or encourages you.



Through our Service

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)

Jesus set the example of service by laying his life down for His disciples. In the same way, we can follow His example of service and humility, especially in our households. It’s a good thing when we volunteer in our respective local centers, but let us not forget that serving should first start in our homes.

In the next weekend, take the time to serve your family in a greater capacity. Family members can run errands, make repairs, clean the house or car, or take care of the meals or laundry.  Dads or older brothers can help out with homework or just spend much-needed quality time.


Through Prayer

 “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” (James 5:16)

One of the most important—and impactful—things we can do for our family members is praying for them. Whether we’re believing for their salvation, restoration, healing, or abundant financial provision, we can bring these concerns before God and trust that He hears and answers.

Take time this week to pray for your family members. Ask God for wisdom and discernment for the right things to pray for them, including provision, salvation, restoration of relationships, and healing; if you have some who are sick, visit them. Trust the Holy Spirit to give you the right words to bless and encourage those for whom you pray personally.


Through Forgiveness


God’s Word commands us to forgive those who have wronged us, because God forgave us through Christ. Our families are far from perfect, but God’s Word says that we are ministers of reconciliation.

Today, take a moment to ask for forgiveness from someone you’ve offended in your family. Ask God for grace and wisdom as you approach this person. Believe God for restoration and healing in your relationship.



Jesus best exemplified love for us, and He did so by dying on the cross for each of us more than 2,000 years ago. Let’s remember to show that same love He showed us to our family members.


New Series: All and Nothing

New Series: All and Nothing

Starting this weekend, join us as we discover Jesus’s supremacy in our lives in our newest series, “All and Nothing”.

After this series, may each of us have a greater perspective on Jesus’s Lordship and His finished work on the cross. May this, then, lead us to live lives that are centered on Him.

Here is the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: What God has Done for us
  • Week two: The Supremacy of Christ
  • Week three: Fullness in Christ
  • Week four: Position in Christ
  • Week five: Living in Christ
  • Week six: Household for Christ
  • Week seven: Mission in Christ

Join us at a Victory location nearest you! Victory is one church in Metro Manila meeting in 29 locations across the metropolis. We also meet in multiple venues throughout the Philippines.

If you’re tweeting about the “All and Nothing” series, please use our official hashtag #AllAndNothing.

Invite your family and friends! See you at our services!