2023: A Year of Miracles

Let us recount the great things that the Lord has done in and through us as we welcome 2024.

6,105 people gave their life to Christ and were baptized

26 new churches were planted across the nation

975 campuses opened their doors for the gospel

Over 20 communities and 70 campuses in Metro Manila experienced God’s love as we partnered with school administrators and local government units

1,475 Real LIFE scholars faced the future with hope, and 164 graduated this year

196 missionaries were sent to preach the gospel to 35 nations, and 19 Ten Days teams were sent to 12 nations

109 ministers (pastors, cross cultural and campus missionaries) were commissioned to bring the gospel to the campuses, cities, and nations

95 pastors and leaders from 35 nations came together at the Every Nation building for the residential intensives of the Every Nation Seminary

But nothing is greater than the miracle of knowing Christ together.

Let us enter 2024 with the same hope–that we have a God who fulfills promises and sets us apart for His purposes.

Got a miracle story? Click here to share it with us!

Pray for the New School Year 2023-2024

Pray for the New School Year 2023-2024

A smooth opening of classes is seen today, with more than 22 million elementary and high school students expected to troop to school, based on the Department of Education (DepEd)’s enrollment figures. This marks the first time, since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, that schools nationwide will conduct full face-to-face sessions on the first day of classes. In Metro Manila, the opening of classes is one of the key factors to the increased volume of road traffic.

The DepEd’s data indicated that 22,676,964 students are enrolled in public and private kindergarten, elementary, and high schools across the country for the school year (SY) 2023-2024.

The agency earlier said it is expecting around 28.8 million students for this school year, a little over the 28.4 million enrolled in public and private schools in SY 2022-2023.

Today, as we see the millions of students returning onsite to school, we see the harvest of students that we can win for Jesus. We also see a great opportunity for our churches and campus ministries all over the Philippines to make an impact in the lives of these next generation leaders. 

Let us pray for God’s mighty move in the campuses this school year! Let us believe that revival will take place on the campuses and students will turn their hearts to God and His purposes! Let us believe together for the visible fruits of the work of God on the campuses and in the lives of the students!

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray that students will encounter and know God on the campuses this school year. Let us pray that the hearts of the students would be open to receiving the message of the gospel and making a life-changing decision to follow Jesus.
  1. Pray for a revival to take place on the campuses this school year. Let us pray that students will turn their hearts and minds to God and His purposes. Let us ask God to ignite a passion for prayer, worship, devotion, and evangelism among the students.
  1. Pray for the safety and protection of all the students on the campuses, physically and spiritually. Let us ask God to shield them from any diseases, or negative influences, and guide them away from harmful situations.
  1. Pray for our churches all over the nation to actively and passionately take part in campus ministry. Let us pray that all generations will come together as one in reaching the students for Jesus!

To learn more about the current situation in our nation, you can read the resources in these links below.

DepEd: 22 million students returning to school today

DepEd: All systems go for Aug. 29 opening of classes despite shortage of 159k classrooms

DepEd expects 28 million enrollees for SY 2023-2024

Back to School 2023: Bare walls and persistent issues

DepEd: Enrollment for School Year 2023-2024 begins

DepEd sets SY 2023-2024 class opening on Aug. 29