Set Apart Mid-Year Prayer and Fasting

This year, we’ve set out to pursue God’s call to holiness. It’s a lifetime call for each one of us as His people.

Holiness is not mere do’s and don’ts, but a result of Christ’s salvation—not by our own strength but by the Spirit who empowers us to live for Him.

God set us apart from sin and set us apart to fulfill His purpose of making disciples wherever we are. 

This July 3–5, as we pray, fast, and consecrate ourselves once more, let us pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that we may faithfully proclaim the gospel to every campus, city, and nation. 

Our devotionals are available in English, Filipino, and Family versions. You may access them through the Victory groups app, YouVersion, or download them here.

Set Apart Mid-year Devotional (English)

Set Apart Mid-year Devotional (Filipino)

Set Apart Mid-year Devotional (Family)

As you worship, may these songs from our worship playlist inspire you to honor God and make disciples.

You may also join prayer meetings in your local church. If you’re looking for a church community, visit

Happy mid-year prayer and fasting!

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