All Set to Make a Change for the Nation

All Set to Make a Change for the Nation

Our heart has always been to see our scholars empowered to pursue their dreams and extend God’s goodness to their families and communities. This is why graduations are defining moments for our Real LIFE scholars and our church community.

Last October 16, 2023, we celebrated 66 Real LIFE graduates from Metro Manila and Central Luzon. 

Motivating our Graduates

Our speakers’ messages prepared our graduates towards the new chapter in their lives.

Mae Perez, the Executive Director of Real LIFE, encouraged them to live out the learned values that have shaped them as young scholars. 

Randell Tiongson, our commencement speaker, inspired them to build a better future by pursuing God’s calling and purpose.

Honoring their Hard Work

We proudly cheered on our 8 Magna Cum Laudes and 14 Cum Laudes for rising above life’s challenges with diligence and determination.

We honored graduates for faithfully embodying the core values of leadership, integrity, faith, and excellence.

Our Excellence Award was given to Shaina Capote for her remarkable achievement of graduating Summa Cum Laude in AB Political Science at Colegio de la Purisma Concepcion.

She is the second student in 75 years to have been given this award in her university and the first in her program.

Called to Change the Nation

We are confident that these graduates are ready to face tomorrow, knowing God’s grace and favor goes ahead of them, every step of the way. 

Thank you for believing and supporting our scholars! 

Together, let’s change a life and change the nation.

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