Join us this weekend as we kick off our newest series entitled, “Unpopular!”
In this message series on leadership, discover how Jesus set the example for godly leadership in how He lived His life, and how He compels us to follow His example.
For the month of April, we’ll take a closer look at different aspects of Jesus’s life and leadership. Check out our weekly topics:
Week one: An Uncommon Attitude
Week two: An Unwelcome View
Week three: An Unlikely Posture
Week four: An Unwanted Burden
Victory is a church that meets in multiple locations in Metro Manila and at different venues in provinces across the Philippines. Visit our national directory for more details on our locations and services.
Invite your family and friends to join us! See you at our services!
SANTE FX NEO眼藥水 sante FX NEO是透過眼藥水滴進眼中的清爽感,讓眼睛 甦醒過來的眼藥水,能夠消除雙眼不適,幫助考生到上班族再度衝刺。
Ellanse洢蓮絲(依戀詩)是一款荷蘭與英國共同研發的的新型真皮填充劑,是由30的25-50微米(µm)的聚己內酯(polycaprolactone, PCL)完美微型正圓晶球,以及70的PBS-生物降解材料(carboxymethylcellulose, CMC)製成的凝膠體,這些成分都是通過FDA(美國食品藥品監督管理局)和歐洲CE認證的安全成分,在人體內水分和二氧化碳作用下可以完全被分解吸收和排出的安全物質,對人體不會產生過敏反應,因此治療前不需經過敏檢測,在使用上幾乎不產生副作用。
眼部卸妝液 眼部卸妝液