Leadership Podcast /


In this episode of the Victory Leadership Podcast, Pastor Steve Murrell teaches us about the true meaning of worship, individually and in our communities.

Manny Carlos

In the second episode of our Leadership Podcast, Bishop Manny Carlos of Victory Philippines shares valuable insight on the importance of spiritual disciplines.

Juray Mora

In this episode of the Victory Leadership Podcast, we invited Bishop Juray Mora of Victory Ministry Association to talk about faith and it’s value in every leader’s life.

Ariel Marquez

Learn the importance of valuing family, no matter what your life stage is. Watch this episode of the Victory Leadership Podcast, featuring Pastor Ariel Marquez of Victory Alabang.

Gilbert Foliente

Discover the value of being a relational leader, and how we can be better together, in this message from Pastor Gilbert Foliente.

Ferdie Cabiling

In this episode of the Victory Leadership Podcast, Bishop Ferdie Cabiling emphasizes why we need to preach the gospel, and shares strategies on engaging our culture and community.

Steve Murrell

In this episode of the Victory Leadership Podcast, Pastor Steve Murrell explains how Jesus defines leadership and service, and introduces the importance of leadership development.

Steve Murrell

In this episode of the Victory Leadership Podcast, Pastor Steve Murrell encourages leaders to discover how they can identify emerging leaders, and lead a lasting leadership legacy.

Rice Broocks

In this episode of the Victory Leadership Podcast, listen to Dr. Rice Broocks as he teaches us to start conversations that eventually bring people to the gospel.

Manny Carlos

In this episode of the Victory Leadership Podcast, listen to Bishop Manny Carlos as he teaches us how we can disciple the nations from any sector of society.

Ferdie Cabiling

In this episode of the Victory Leadership Podcast, watch Bishop Ferdie Cabiling as he teaches us how to correctly handle the Word of God, as disciples and as leaders.

Kevin York

In this episode of the Victory Leadership Podcast, watch Kevin York of Every Nation North America as he teaches us the importance of asking the right questions and how to craft a great question.

Jun Escosar

In this episode of the Victory Leadership Podcast, Dr. Jun Escosar talks about the heart of God for every one of us to go and preach the gospel in our mission fields and to the nations.

Servant Leadership

In the episode of the Victory Leadership Podcast, listen to Kevin York as he talks about Christ-like servanthood as the passion and goal of leadership.

Leadership and Apologetics

In this episode of the Victory Leadership Podcast, Rice Broocks teaches us to anchor our faith in truth, and to share this truth of the gospel with others.

Creating a Leadership Culture

In this episode of the Victory Leadership Podcast, Pastor Gilbert Foliente teaches us about discipleship, identifying leaders, and creating and continuing a leadership culture.


In this episode of the Victory Leadership Podcast, Pastor Steve Murrell teaches us about the true meaning of worship, individually and in our communities.

Leadership and Faith
Spiritual Disciplines
Leadership in the Family
Relational Unity
Leadership and Service
Leaving a Leadership Legacy
Leadership and Evangelism
Discipling the Nation
Leadership and Missions
Servant Leadership
Handling the Word
Asking the Right Questions
Leadership and Apologetics
Creating a Leadership Culture