Keep on Craving the Word!

Keep on Craving the Word!

Thank you for joining us on our twenty-two day journey to loving God’s Word more. We hope that you were able to develop a healthy habit of regularly reading and meditating on the Bible. To help you more to do just that, here is a downloadable version of our twenty-two lessons on Psalm 119, which you can revisit whenever needed.

Also, here are some Bible reading plans that you can download and links you can visit to find one that would best suit you.

Downloadable Bookmarks:


When it comes to the Word of God, we can never be too full. The Bible has a spiritual buffet in store for us, which we can enjoy anytime, anywhere. May we all keep on craving and living according to God’s Word!


  • Like September 19, 2018 at 4:51 pm

    Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.

  • 醫學美容 套裝 October 11, 2018 at 4:21 am

    星級病人 吃了防腐劑的男女明星總令朋友們羡慕不已,當中整型外科及醫學美醫生實是居功不少。近年醫學美容變得普遍,一些醫學美容中心更找來紅到發紫的明星擔任代言人,做醫學美容療程已不再是什麼不可告人的秘密了,一些明星、名人及知名的美容博客甚至會將療程的整個過程、效果等於社交網站公諸同好。踏足醫學美容多年,我也接觸過不少「星級病人」,即使我自立門戶,他們依然不離不棄,實在感動!明星有架子嗎?要求多多嗎?實情是我治療過的星級病人當中,對醫生、對護士、甚至對清潔員工都很友善親切,全無架子,有時侯更會在節日裏送來窩心小吃。有些或

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