Last year, I had an opportunity to lead a Victory group of accomplished men and women in the marketplace. They came from different sectors of society, ranging from the government, business, education, and science and technology. They all had one thing in common: they wanted to honor God in the workplace. It was very encouraging to hear how God was using them right where they were. With the world looking for people who are successful in both career and family, they were a welcome sight. In the same breath, the world needs industry leaders and diligent workers whose lives are a good mix of godly values, excellent innovation, righteous business practices, and gainful profit. But why do many Christians in the workplace succumb to mediocrity in their practice, and compromise in their values? Why is it that many start out well-intentioned, yet eventually get eaten up in the unrighteousness of the system and amorality of the culture? Allow me to propose that much of it is rooted in a lack of a clear and defined purpose for work and marketplace success. For sure, it is not just about self-advancement, financial freedom, or securing your family’s present and future needs. When the reason for work is simply these things, it’s either motivation wanes at some point, or money becomes a primary pursuit. When that happens, one becomes forced to put lesser value on other priorities, and life becomes a rut. Ultimately, the purpose for work is to give God glory and bring the gospel to people. It gives God glory when you do your work with an awareness of worshipping Him, an excellence that befits Him, and strength that comes from Him. It advances God’s agenda when your role in the marketplace becomes a platform for the gospel. This happens when your colleagues notice the difference in the way you do things, the extraordinary outcome of your work, and the sheer joy by which you go at it everyday. You’ll get the unusual opportunity to be able to point to your Maker. You’ll grab their attention as you speak hope into every situation, and use it as an avenue to preach the gospel. If you’re working in a Christian company, excellence matters still. You may not necessarily have to preach the gospel (yet there still may be opportunities, as not all who work there are necessarily Christian), but it is a place for you to move along that organization’s agenda towards honoring Christ. Where do you begin? At the end of the day, faithfulness matters to God—faithfulness with where God placed you and what God entrusted you to do. If you do it as unto God, He will grant you success, and advance His kingdom in the process. Have a great time at work this week! Jon Naron serves as the Executive Director of Victory Provincial Churches. He is married to Let and is a father to four kids: Gabrielle, Kristiana, Albert, and Alyanna.

JUNE 30, 2015
I’m writing in response to this article. Do you still have gatherings like this for Christian Businessmen? Thanks and God bless.
Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.
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