Compelled by Christ’s Love

Compelled by Christ’s Love

And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” – Luke 10:2

The harvest will always be greater than the laborers. This is why we continually equip and send out new workers who will take the gospel to the harvest field. 

Just as we close the year, our Every Nation School of Ministry commissioned 42 full-time workers – 32 in the campus ministry track and 10 in the church leadership track – to further reach campuses and cities.

Bishop Manny gave an encouraging word about how Christ’s love changes and renews us. Christ sets us up for leadership and empowers us to minister for the sake of others.

We celebrate with these men and women who have shown Christ’s character of excellence, faithfulness, and compassion throughout their training. 

Throughout this momentous event, one message rang clearly — the truth that anchors us in the storms of doubt is the love of Christ.

It’s His love which we draw strength from. 

May His perfect love compel us to go and preach the gospel!

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