A New Hope Series

A New Hope Series

In a time of fear, uncertainty, and grief, we can find new hope in Jesus Christ. He is the hope of our salvation and our hope in every situation.

For the first two Sundays, we are looking at the life of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke. Then, on May 31, June 7, and June 14, we are going to learn about the Holy Spirit and how we are empowered to minister. The Holy Spirit enables us to live godly lives, heals our brokenness, and fills us with boldness to proclaim God’s Word.

Here are the topics for this series:

  • Week 1: April 5 (Palm Sunday)
  • Week 2: April 12 (Resurrection Sunday)
  • Week 3: May 31 (Pentecost Sunday)
  • Week 4: June 7 (Spirit-Empowered Prayer for Healing)
  • Week 5: June 14 (Spirit-Empowered Prayer for Boldness)

We pray that this series will encourage, strengthen, and give you new hope during this global crisis. May God keep you and your families safe!


Due to the enhanced community quarantine, our worship services are temporarily online. Visit this page to check the schedules of our online services or follow your local church on social media. 

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