Pray for a Peaceful and Orderly Campaign and Election Season

Pray for a Peaceful and Orderly Campaign and Election Season

Elections in democratic nations like the Philippines play a significant role in nation-building—as they give the Filipino people the right to choose the leaders who will impact the nation. Thus, every elected government official is accountable to his constituents. 

As we anticipate the Philippine general election on May 12, 2025, may we see it as a chance to not only exercise our right to vote, but an open door to preach and demonstrate the gospel as well.

We also acknowledge that people in authority are entrusted with bigger responsibilities, which is why it is important to keep on covering them in prayers, especially this season. In 1 Timothy 2:1, we are encouraged that “petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 

May we all together look to God and His sovereign power as our nation faces the preparations for the upcoming May 2025 midterm elections.

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for Filipino voters to have the wisdom and due diligence needed to discern and assess candidates’ character and capabilities.
  2. Pray for a peaceful and orderly campaign season without violence, intimidation, and corruption. Pray also that the candidates will run campaigns with integrity, free from misinformation and deceit.
  3. Pray for the offices taking part in the preparations to wisely steward the resources given to them and by all means, uphold integrity, justice, fairness, and truth.
  4. Pray that there will be peace and discernment within our church and that we may prioritize our calling to make disciples while navigating political differences with grace, humility, and understanding.

To learn more about the current situation in our nation, you may read through these resources:

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