Beyond the Series: Responding to Poverty in the Nation

Beyond the Series: Responding to Poverty in the Nation

One of the most prevalent social issues in the Philippines is poverty. As Christians, we cannot turn a blind eye to this matter because God called us to proclaim and demonstrate the gospel to the poor and marginalized, just as Jesus did.

After encouraging us to be in faith in the first part of the interview, Bishop Juray Mora shares how Christians can deal with poverty in the nation.


How should Christians respond to poverty in the nation?

The gospel is the solution. Some of the poverty we face is because of structures created by greed. One way to deal with that is to see a person’s heart regenerated through the power of the gospel. That’s still the ultimate solution.

The gospel is
the solution.

Another solution is a challenge for us to be generous in the way we live and help. I’m not just talking about finances, but also being generous in showing concern and compassion, and in every area of life.

The challenge for our own family is the people who help us in our home, our house help. The question is, “How can we be generous to this person’s family? How can we help them in a way that the next generation, their own children, will not have to be in this same situation of poverty?” Sometimes, we get overwhelmed. We think we can’t do much because of the prevalence of poverty in our nation. But we can do something, starting in our own home, through our house help. We tend to hide behind legalities, thinking of the legal minimum wage in our country. But as Christians, we must ask instead: “Lord, what is Your will? She’s working for me. She’s a blessing. How do You want us, as a family, to bless her in return and help her family?”

Helping one person
at a time can make
a difference.

Connecting with ministries that have the expertise, knowledge, and infrastructure to help the poor in our nation is another way. We may support such ministries financially or with our time and effort. Sometimes, we don’t give because we feel embarrassed with the amount we can donate. We have to get rid of the mentality that says, “What I can give is too small.” Regardless of how little our money is, God will use it. Besides, if you pool it together with like-minded people who want to help, then the impact will be bigger.

Just be sensitive. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you. You can start in your own home or neighborhood. If you don’t have house help, search for people in your neighborhood that you could start helping. It maybe the guy who keeps buying your old newspapers and empty bottles. There’s always a place to start. You don’t have to win the whole world all at once. Helping one person at a time can make a difference.

Bishop Juray Mora oversees our pastors as the director of Victory Ministers Association. He also serves as a preacher in Victory Ortigas. He has been married to Deah for 27 years, and they continue to believe God for greater things with their six kids—TJ, Iya, Sophia, Juliana, Celina, and Raymund.

Beyond the Series is a set of interviews with Victory pastors on topics related to our sermon series. Read the first part of the interview here.



  • 淨腸 October 8, 2018 at 9:50 am


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