[ENGAGE Challenge] Be a blessing!

[ENGAGE Challenge] Be a blessing!

Every day, we have opportunities to bless the people we meet. Luke 10:5 tells us, “whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house!’” Together, we can speak a blessing on our cities and communities, invite God’s presence, and pray for protection and peace.

This month, our challenge is to engage our cities and communities as we BLESS them with prayer and declarations of faith. Proverbs 11:11 says, “By the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is overthrown.” Here are some ideas that we hope can help you be a blessing to others!

  1. Pray for your family before you leave your home.
  2. Declare a blessing as soon as you enter your school, campus, or office.
  3. Engage a classmate or colleague in conversation and offer to pray for them.
  4. Organize a prayer meeting in your home, office, or school.
  5. Declare a blessing over people you encounter (e.g. in a restaurant or at the bank).
  6. Invite your Victory group to prayer-walk around your city. Choose a campus, government office, or business establishment, and pray for the people there.
  7. Intercede for people you encounter while commuting (e.g. the driver of the taxi, jeepney, or tricycle).
  8. As you drive past them, speak a blessing on the policemen, traffic enforcers, and other government workers you see.
  9. Ask your family members about their day and pray for them.
  10. Visit a neighbor you’ve been trying to connect with for a while and encourage him or her.

Share a prayer you’ve declared or a verse you’re holding on to, and use the hashtag #LetsBlessPH.

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