New Series: Radical

New Series: Radical

web icon 170pxJuly marks our anniversary month as a movement. Come celebrate thirty years of honoring God and making disciples with us, in our new series, “Radical!”

Join us as we look back at our history and rediscover what it means to be radical in this day and age. As we revisit our core values of lordship, evangelism, discipleship, leadership, and family, may each of us step out in faith and be used by God to advance His kingdom in our nation, campuses, and the world.

Join us for the next five weeks as we revisit our values as a church. Here is the list of weekly topics:

  • Week one: Jesus. (Lordship)
  • Week two: 99 and the One (Evangelism)
  • Week three: Every Member a Minister (Discipleship)
  • Week four: One Chapter Ahead (Leadership)
  • Week five: We Value Family (Family)

Join us at a Victory location nearest you! Victory is one church meeting in fifteen different locations in Metro Manila. We also meet in various locations across the Philippines.

If you’re tweeting about our series, “Radical,” please use our official hashtag #radicalsince1984.

See you at our services!

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