Ready to Go

Ready to Go

What inspires you to share the gospel to others? Karen Catchuela of Victory Baguio shares how God’s love compels her to reach out to others.


I had known about Jesus even when I was in high school—one of my classmates invited me to be part of a “cell group,” and we talked about the book entitled, “The Purpose-Driven Life.” However, I did not understand then what living for Christ was like.

When I was a freshman in college, most of my blockmates were members of Every Nation Campus Ministries (now LifeBox). I always got to spend time with them at the Pond, their hangout on campus, and often got invited to the weekly youth service they attended. I always made excuses for not being able to come to the youth service.

However, my friends never gave up on inviting me to the youth service. Eventually, I decided to attend what they called the “youth jam.” My first time attending was great, and I’ve never felt that kind of hospitality from people I didn’t know. Eventually, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at one of these services, because I knew distinctly that He was speaking to me regarding specific situations in my life.

Rona, one of my former classmates, helped me get to know God more. We did ONE 2 ONE together, and I was also part of her LIFE group. Her life was also an example of how I got to know Christ. I witnessed how God’s word was living and active in her life, and how He was changing her bit by bit. Even if she helped me have a relationship with Jesus, I knew she was also being transformed more and more into Christ’s image. God used her to understand my identity in Christ and the purpose He had for my life.

Karen (left) and her Victory group leader Rona at Ignite 2013

When I realized how much Jesus loved and valued me that He died for me on the cross, His love motivated me to live for Him and honor Him with my life. In the same way, I consider it a privilege to be used by God to make a dent in peoples’ lives and extend His love even to those in the nations.

I know Jesus’s love is not just for me alone—I believe He calls each of us to make disciples because of His love for everyone. He wants everyone to know, receive, and experience the love He has for all of us. He wants us to realize that we are already forgiven, He wants us to be reconciled with Him, and we can live life to the fullest with Him. This is what motivates me to share His love to the people around me. This message is not just for me, but for all of us.

Now, I am ready to make disciples. Wherever God calls me, I will go—because His love compels us to go.


Karen works as a corporate social media manager for an international hotel chain. She leads two Victory groups in Victory Baguio—one for high school students and one for college students.

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  • 小腿除毛 October 8, 2018 at 10:35 am


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