We live in a broken world with broken people, and the only solution to this brokenness is the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We can do our part so that others can experience His love and wholeness as we engage our culture and community.

To know more, watch this video.


1. Who first preached the gospel to you? What did you like about how he or she did it?

2. How did you meet Christ, and how did He change your life? To whom can you share your testimony?

3. Among those around you, who needs to hear the gospel? When and how can you share your testimony with this person?

4. Is there someone you know who needs to realize that he or she matters to God? How can you engage this person with the gospel?

5. How are you actively and intentionally engaging your culture and community?

Reference: http://www.ricebroocks.com/blog/blog/


You may also download the ONE 2 ONE App to help you as you start conversations and share your testimony.