Pray for Ignite 2013!

Pray for Ignite 2013!

It’s less than a month to go before the Every Nation Asia Campus Conference: Ignite 2013!

Right now, we have around 9,000 delegates from all over the Philippines and Asia attending this student gathering on May 29 to 31 at the Cuneta Astrodome in Pasay City.


The Ignite committee, campus missionaries, students, and volunteers are making preparations on the double to make Ignite one memorable experience. But any preparation isn’t complete without prayer.

Please stand with us in prayer for the following:

  • Grace, favor, and good health for the event organizers and campus ministers as they prepare for Ignite 2013

  • Abundant financial provision for the students, especially those that are coming from outside of Manila

  • Good weather and safety for the delegates on the week of the conference

Thanks for praying with us! Join us at the most exciting campus conference this year: Ignite 2013!

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